Love your enemies

The recent tragedy in Charleston has touched the heart of this nation. So has the response of the church. President Barack Obama called it “an expression of faith that is unimaginable but that reflects the goodness of the American people.” It reflects the goodness of a people who live close to and serve a good God. It is not something anyone could do on their own strength. That is why the world will never understand it. What a witness! They will see, like Joseph in the Old Testament, how something the devil means for evil can bring about good. I am amazed and heartened and encouraged at their strength. We must all pray for these people. Pray that the God they serve will bring revival to our hearts.

To the people of Emmanuel African Methodist Church…I am saddened for your loss, but you and those who died are giving our nation a great gift. Thank you. Thank you for showing us the grace of God.


A patient recently told be that “nobody trusts anybody anymore.” I am inclined to agree with that to a point. Perhaps that is the reason that so many of us are being tracked. Let me explain…I am not talking about the tracking that goes on when you purchase something or look something up on the internet. That is another problem altogether. I am concerned about the tracking of so many professionals as they try to do their job. Tracking teachers. Tracking UPS drivers. Tracking physicians. That last one I know a lot about. Everyone is tracking us. Drug reps know if we prescribe their drugs. Insurance companies know how many and what kind of tests we order. (Some we don’t order because they don’t let us) Hospitals know how many of our patients are admitted. Our electronic medical records can tell how many diabetic patients we have and what their sugar runs. They cannot yet tell you how well these same patients follow directions, but that will come soon… they are tracking patients also. And calling their homes. All because they care, of course.

All of this tracking is to improve things. Perhaps there is someone somewhere who does a better job because of it? I doubt it! Mostly, it just discourages those of us who really do care and are really trying to do a good job!