Bone Up! (Preventing osteoporosis)

If you have ever broken a bone, you do not want to ever feel that pain again.  But low bone mass (osteopenia) and severe low bone mass (osteoporosis) is a difficult problem affecting many women and some men.  For females, the most rapid bone mass accumulation usually occurs between the ages of 11 and 14.  Bone mass continues to increase in the in the teen years and even into the twenties, but usually peaks by age 30.  You definitely want to start with a healthy bone mass, because it dwindles throughout life, with the loss accelerated after menopause.

However, to form or keep good bone it is important to have sufficient intake of calcium(about 1200mg daily) and to have adequate amounts of vitamin D available.  Unfortunately, young girls are not drinking a lot of milk.  They often do not have a lot of calcium sources in their diet.  What is worse is that if they happen to drink a lot of coke or other dark soda, they may actually be sabotaging their own skeleton.

Since humans make vitamin D with the help of the sun, sunscreen also may lead to lower vitamin D levels.  Sunscreen is important, and it is still a good idea to lather it on.  But there are a couple of changes that can be simply made that will likely prevent a lot of pain down the road.

#1 – First of all, look for good sources of calcium.  For instance, almond milk is a good, tasty, sweet alternative to cow’s milk and has a lot more calcium than cow’s milk also.  Other sources include beans, dark and leafy vegetables, oranges and almonds.

#2- As far as vitamin D is concerned, it is now recommended that a supplement of 800 international units of vitamin D be taken daily.  Spending a little time in the sun daily also helps

#3 – Weight bearing exercise is vital, but walking is felt to be as good as running.  Just do a lot of it
#4 – Avoid excessive alcohol
#5 – Avoid all smoking, as it will accelerate bone loss.
The  goal is to be able to stand straight and tall in your later years…to avoid becoming all shriveled and bent.  So take a good long look at your lifestyle habits and make any appropriate changes!

Little Children

Matthew 18:2-4
What is it about little children that is so inviting?  They are such a pleasure to be around.  They brighten up life. They bring life.  They make you feel more alive yourself.  But why?
As I think about this, I realize that when we are children we have characteristics that are wonderful but seem to fade as we grow.
#1 – Children are eager to learn.  The are open to the wonder of creation. They are NOT CYNICAL.  They seem to intuitively realize that there is a glory to this world and are eager to explore it.  An ant hill can fascinate.  The ocean amazes.  Racing caterpillars or catching grasshoppers can go on for hours.  How wonderful if adults looked at each new day as a child did…with excitement and wonder at what they might discover!
#2 – children are HUMBLE.   They are not yet consumed with their own importance.  They want to be included but don’t have to be the center.
#3 – They haven’t been tainted by political correctness.  They say what is on their minds without carefully choosing ambiguous language.  Hurtful sometimes, but refreshingly HONEST.
#4 – They  LOVE  easily.  They won’t notice that you are not dressed properly.  It won’t matter if you are fat or thin, tall or short, black or white.  You love them and they love you back.  Simple.
Perhaps we should turn and become like children again.