The Death of A Saint


My precious mom is one of those saints.  After a long life of 93 years, she went to be with her Lord on Sunday, December, 17, 2017.

Her last few years were marked by a battle against both cancer and dementia.  I lived 600 miles away from her.  Fortunately,  her suffering was lessened by my 2 sisters who lived close and did everything in their power, and more, to make mom comfortable.

Dementia is a sad disease.  People leave before they really leave.  It’s been a long time since I was able to call Mom and really have a discussion with her.  I could not talk to her about her day or mine, or discuss a problem, or get her opinion on an issue.  Because of this, I mourned the loss of my mom long before her heart quit beating.  I missed not being able to talk to her while she was alive.  I miss her physical presence now that she has died.  But the odd thing is that since she is now with the Lord and of sound mind again, in some way she feels closer.  I know that she is more alive now in heaven than she was when she lingered here on earth.

There is a verse, 2 Corinthians 5:4, which talks about death.  It says, ” while we are still in this tent (or body), we groan, (ain’t that the truth?) being burdened–not that we would be unclothed, but that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be SWALLOWED UP BY LIFE.”

It is pleasant to think that in dying,  my dear mom was really swallowed up by life.  I don’t know whether she can view my day to day life, but I do know that she is with the Lord that I talk to every day.  So in one way she is closer to me now than she was when she was alive but unable to communicate with me.  And I know that someday I will be with her again….because I also am one of Jesus’ saints.