Vestiges of a Former World

It is impossible to live long in this world without realizing that something is wrong.  That many things are wrong.  That our world is broken.  On this, all people can agree.  The reason for the brokenness and the solution to it are where opinions diverge.  For me, I believe that there are still VESTIGES of “how we were meant to be” evident all around.

The very fact that we are able to care, however inadequately, for someone outside ourself says that their is Truth beyond utilitarianism.  Evolution does not ever teach that it is wise to do for someone else UNLESS it benefits you in some way.   Survival of the fittest does not allow for caring for a handicapped child or helping the infirm elderly.  Yet most, whatever their belief system, would say that  these things are right to do.  Why?…a vestige.

There are terrible natural catastrophes such as hurricanes and floods and mudslides and fires.  But there are rainbows and starry nights and beautiful sunsets.  Coral of dazzling color buried deep under water where no human eye appreciates it .  Why?…a vestige.

And then there is human error (or dare I say sin?) that leads to broken families, homicides, abortion, or injustice of a million different varieties.  But as a society we still seek to enforce rules and correct injustice.  Why have laws?  Why seek to correct wrongs?  Why?….a vestige.

The list could go on, but you get my drift.  There is wisdom that generally leads to good.  Hard work generally gives a benefit to the worker.   As a general rule, doing good reaps healthy benefits and doing wrong (or evil) reaps loss and hurt.  But not always!  Our world is broken.  Why is it true at all?….a vestige.

There will come a day when the current world, with all its brokenness, will pass away.  Humans will still be in the process of trying to fix it themselves when God steps in to finally correct it all, just as He has promised.  How much better it would be for humanity in the meantime, if we spent a little more reflection on seeking the Wisdom that promises not just a total fix in the future, but a glimpse of it now if we listen.

What is wrong with the world?  As GK Chesterton famously wrote when asked that question, “I am.”

What will fix me and my broken world?  There is only one answer……..