February is American Heart month….a good time to look at how you are taking care of yours. Good heart care is multifaceted and includes many things you are already aware of. These are the things that physicians always talk about…..good nutrition, exercise, and adequate rest. These are important, but………
There are other needs for a healthy heart. For instance a calm and peaceful spirit, lots of laughter, joy and a healthy world view.
It is true that how you eat affects your heart. How you exercise affects your heart. But ….so does worry and stress.
So, in celebration of February and Valentine’s Day, here are some ideas for maintaining a heathy heart.
Yes, you guessed it! Avoid the sweets! Opt for nuts, fruit, vegetables, healthy protein, healthy fats, and stay away from processed foods (usually in a box and easy to prepare)
Get AT LEAST one half-hour of exercise daily. It DOES NOT need to be at a gym. It can be something fun like dancing or walking with a friend.
Get adequate sleep The amount can vary between people and there is not a magic number of hours. Try to WIND DOWN before going to bed by avoiding screens and most sleep best if the room is DARK and COLD.
And then………………consider a few more.
LAUGH! Find things that are funny! Even in the midst of trouble, you can usually find something comical. Listen to your favorite comedian or just find things to laugh at during the day, even if it is yourself. As God’s word says in Proverbs 17:22, ” A joyful heart is good medicine.”
Avoid overload, especially mental or emotional overload. We are FINITE and were never meant to take on the cares of the entire world. Help someone right in front of you and pray for those you cannot do anything for. Try to do today what you can do today and avoid worrying about tomorrow.
Be generous of spirit. It is AMAZING how good you can make yourself feel by giving to someone else.
And finally, remember your Creator. Jesus says, I am the way, the truth and the life. He also says I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly. So…if Jesus dwells in your heart, it will be HEALTHY!!!