God’s Wrath and Love Meet at the Cross of Jesus Christ

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I get it!  The world has a problem with Jesus.  The Son of God dying for us?  It is too much to take in…too easy and too hard at the same time.  Jesus did it all?   We just accept it?  That seems unfair.  We want a clearer system of reward and punishment for what we do.  Something that we earn.

Have you every tried to make yourself more loving? more caring?  more forgiving?  Have you tried to change, not an outward action, but an internal characteristic on your own?  And failed miserably?  Then the Easter message is blessedly welcome.

Jesus left the glory that he had as God in heaven.

He became a man and voluntarily died for our sins.  MY sins. 

At the cross Jesus took God’s wrath that I may know His love

He did it so I could have a relationship with Him and be FREE.

Without Jesus, I would be fighting a losing battle with myself.

Christ within me gives me victory over my own sinful human nature.

          If the Son sets you free,  you will be free indeed

Is there anything more important than this relationship with my Creator?

This past year the world has been laser focused on health and safety.

Is my safety more important?

Is my health more important?

NO – The only thing I truly want to be safe from is the wrath of God

The ONLY safe place is in the LOVE OF CHRIST 

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One Comment

  1. Amen. We have things we have to do to function in this life but that is the most important relationship you can have is with Jesus Christ.

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