TURN DOWN THAT MUSIC! Anyone remember their parents saying that? They had a point.
Your ears are beautifully and wonderfully made. Your outer ear, where you hang your earring, is designed to capture sound waves and direct them down your ear canal to the middle and inner ear. Ears are truly God’s artistry on display.
Hearing is such a blessing …….most of the time! Whether it is the sweet voice of a toddler to the majesty of a symphony to the jokes of your favorite comedian, hearing (and therefore your ears) is something you want to protect.
Here are a few simple rules to follow.
1-START EARLY! It may be too late for some of us to do that but we can help guide our children and grands. For instance, It is felt that even the infant sleep machines can be harmful to young ears. They are useful, of course, but it is best to place them as far away from the baby as possible and keep then at a low volume
2-Avoid LOUD noises. Not just people yelling at you. This includes loud concerts, loud sporting events, fireworks. It is a good idea to keep a pair of ear plugs in your car or purse (if you use one) because sometimes you end up someplace noisy without planning on it….. or you just forget to bring them.
3-AVOID INGESTING PRODUCTS THAT HARM YOUR EARS. Of course this is not always possible, since even some frequently used antibiotics can do some damage. If you already have decreased hearing you may want to think about this.
4. If you are listening to a podcast or music on headphones, keep the volume low enough that you can hear someone speaking to you
5. AVOID USING Q TIPS – they can cause perforation in your tympanic membrane if you go too far
6. Finally, take a breaks from noise altogether.