I can wake up in the morning, feeling good, and say to myself, “Today I will not grumble or complain all day long.” But, to my chagrin, I am rarely successfull! Why, oh why, is it so difficult not to complain?
There have been many studies looking at the effect of gratitude on health and well-being. Gratitude has been linked to better sleep, pain reduction, better immune function. It has been shown to increase optimism, happiness, resilience, and to lower levels of depression and anxiety. It can lead to better relationships, improved eating and increase in physical activity. Gratitude even turns on the brain’s reward system, causing release of dopamine and serotonin to help one feel better.
You would think, if gratitude can do all that, we would all practice it! It costs nothing. A completely free way to feel better……and yet we prefer to complain and look at things negatively. Again, why? According to Paul Tripp, “complaining is the default language of fallen humanity.” That certainly has proven true in my own life. There can be 99 things going right but I will focus on (and complain about) the 100th thing that is not to my liking.
Years ago, I read a book that encouraged listing 5 things every day that I was thankful for. I had been struggling with being especially negative and it had a very positive impact on me. (at least temporarily) I still struggle and complain but at least I realize more clearly the positive impact a grateful heart can bring.
Proverbs 17:22 says that “A joyful heart is good medicine!”
Free medicine!
Try, this month, to start an “I’m thankful for” list. You can list one or two things every day but don’t repeat yourself. It is amazing how it can cause you to become more aware of life’s blessings. From songbirds to sunshine, there are good things that are free to all mankind. And even in the worst moments of life, there is usually some silver lining.
Above all, remember that God is good. As we follow Him, he promises to supply all our needs according to His riches, even in times of pain and suffering.
It is up to us to remember to say thank you……………and be grateful