Slow Death by Theater Food

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I absolutely love going to a theater.  My husband does not understand why it is better than watching a movie at home.  It just is!  That is all except for the food!  Why has health consciousness not affected theater food at all?  There are many of us theater bugs who would gladly pay for a healthy version of popcorn!  I might stop sneaking my own food in.


So this week I took my father, a veteran, to see Hacksaw Ridge.  What a WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL movie!  It is, of course, a war movie and therefore bloody and gory.  War is hell.  I do not like violent movies and was a little leary of seeing it, but the message is beautiful and I am so glad that I saw it.


While watching this beautiful movie, I was consuming popcorn.  A tub costs about $10 and is close to 1000 calories.  Even that is okay.  I can budget for that.  What matters more is the oil it is popped in  Different theater chains use different oils  It is not just the type of oil that is important, but whether or not it is partially hydrogenated.  All partially hydrogenated oils are very unhealthy.  I would prefer this information to a calorie count.


My father had a hotdog – all beef for $4.89.  He loved it and was perfectly happy.  He is 92 and I think that option should remain available.  But along with that, it would be wonderful to have additional choices.  Perhaps a few could be healthy.  There is a lot of fun to be had eating theater food in front of a big screen with surround sound in a real theater.  I just wish I did not have to sacrifice my arteries every time I go.
Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. Glad you got to see Hacksaw Ridge… was a super movie. You and I differ in that I would rather sit at home and see the movies. Rather than have the pop corn, I would have a big bowl of ice cream!

    I never eat that pop corn or anything else in the theater…..I am too cheap! ?

    How wonderful you had that time with your Dad. If I could go back in time, I would do more fun things with my parents, so Susan, enjoy every minute you have with them. ❤️

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