Living Healthy in an Unhealthy World (Healthy Eating – Part1)

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So New Year’s Day was not a healthy eating day for me. But I want 2017 to be a healthy year for me and anyone reading my blog. I just completed some continuing medical education on Nutritional Myths. Fun stuff! I’ve decided to devote some of my blog time to documenting ways to live healthy.  That includes a healthy diet.

Basically, the healthiest way to eat is to eat unprocessed foods.  There are many reasons for this, so stay tuned.   For years I have told my patients that if God made it, it is likely okay to eat.  If man has mucked around with it, maybe not.  In the past the simplest way to eat was direct from the ground  In fact, the highly processed foods were not developed yet and therefore not around.  Unfortunately, in our fast paced culture the processed foods are now easier to get, so saying eat the simple way is no longer the best advice.  It takes work to have a garden. It takes a little more expense and time to buy from the fresh produce section.  Farmer’s markets are great and if you have access to one please support it.  We consumers should really start resisting what is not good for us.  If we don’t buy it, they won’t make it.

So the first rule of eating healthy is to get your food from farms.  If everything in your kitchen is from a factory, you have some work to do.

Engineering has its benefits, but when it comes to nutrition, it seems we cannot outdo our Creator, the master engineer, in developing food products to fuel our earthly tents!

(In future blogs, I will explore more detailed nutritional research)
Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. Susan: I am going to forward a note from Penny Saurino. I texted her and ask her about the fresh veggies she and Dan got while they were here.
    You might like to look into

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