The Sanctity of Life

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Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday.  With all of the recent national debate about health care, it seems appropriate to focus on the health of the littlest among us…the pre-born.  Psalm 139 says that God sees their unformed substance as they are being fearfully and wonderfully made!  Science allows us now to follow this development via ultrasound.  As every mother is aware, it is now possible to see the child they love but have not yet held.

Yet that unborn child has an enemy.  A state protected enemy.  Even though a physician can now operate on an unborn child to correct something that will harm them, that same physician can also take away the life of that child and our government says that it is okay.  How can this be??  Why do we allow this?  We are all guilty because of our silence.

Whether a pre-born is wanted or not wanted, it matters not!  Their worth is equal to ours.  They may not be able to accomplish anything visible yet, but that matters not.  If I suddenly became incapacitated and could no longer accomplish anything, would I then have no value?  Of course not!  I am valuable to my Creator, apart from what I can accomplish.  I cannot give anything to my God but He values me now.  He valued me before I was born. He will value me after I die.

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