The Eclipse

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The eclipse is today!  A total eclipse of the sun.  I am excited… could I not be?  There has been so much written about this lately.  I have read in newspapers about how it is like a spiritual experience!  Ha!  The heavens declare the glory of God.  Just because man has observed enough to be able to explain what and when will happen, he thinks he understands it.  How arrogant is man.  I like what a good friend of mine said yesterday.  She told me that she and her husband would “sit on the top of our Somerset (their boat) and watch the Lord do his thing.  How fun is that?”  I agree.  How fun is that?

Posted in Uncategorized.

One Comment

  1. Enjoyed reading the Eclipse! yes the Lord was “doing His thing” I bet I know who stated that. Is it one of friends that used to worship with us?

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