Rhythmic Beauty

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There is a beauty in the rhythms of life. It is reassuring that the sun rises every morning and sets every night. One can go to sleep knowing that the sun will come up again. And every day closes with the same predictable event, even though each sunset is also gloriously and often breathtakingly unique.

The same is true for the seasons. Spring…..summer….fall….winter…..and then spring again! It helps us to feel secure to have this rhythm. We did not design it (for one thing, who would design winter???) but there obviously IS a design. It is beautiful and something to be thankful for.

There is a beauty, also, in the design of the species. Both we and the animal kingdom have within us an ability to adapt to change. Birds can have their beaks grow longer or shorter. Humans can, over generations, develop a different skin tone to respond to a different climate.  Chameleons really can change their colors.  Old dogs can indeed learn new tricks. The adaptation of species is truly amazing.

What about all this rhythmic beauty? We would never expect a Shakespearean sonnet to suddenly fall from the sky….and yet we are expected to believe that there is no designer behind all of this design? How can that be? We are a brilliant human race and can do much. We can predict the weather. We can manipulate DNA We can even clone. But we only do this by understanding the design and laws that are already present. God’s word says it is the glory of God to conceal things and the glory of kings to search things out. As kings (or scientists) continue to search things out, I wish they would not miss the grandeur of the universe…the magnificent RHYTHMIC BEAUTY in life.

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