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Last night I had a dream that I met the President. I was standing in a long line. Somehow I lost one of my shoes (very high heels …a very unrealistic dream). I felt it would be extremely rude to meet the President with only one shoe, so I frantically hunted and found it! They let me back in line. My turn came to shake the President’s hand and he liked me! Enough that he asked me if I would like to meet Michelle. Yes!! (Even in my dream I was excited) He called over a secret service agent and I was taken to meet Michelle Obama. And she liked me too! Enough that she asked me if there was any room in the White House I would like to see. Would I!! The Lincoln bedroom. So there we went. (It gets even better). Mrs Obama had been in there earlier reading a book and it was lying on the table. I was staring at it and she asked me if I knew about it. I did! I had written it (again, a very unrealistic dream). She wanted me to autograph it….and then there were other questions. Where was I from? Small town in South Carolina. Gaffney. You know…the Peach water tower in House of Cards. And then…what was the pulse of the nation? How would I know? I live in Gaffney. I told her that with the recent response of Mother Emmanuel church to the Charleston shooting, there was a renewed sense of hope and the grace of God. But also, with the recent Supreme Court hearing on gay marriage………..I woke up, but kept thinking about what I would say.

What do people feel with this last ruling? Some are happy. Some don’t care much. But those who are looking down the road, I think, feel a sense of dread. More is coming. It isn’t just about freedom to love who you choose. It never was. The rhetoric has been manipulated. Especially when it is called a civil rights issue. Why are those who fought so hard in the real civIl rights movement not offended? Martin Luther King was fighting to be seen by his fellow men as God saw him. We are all one race. The Bible is clear on that. The Bible is clear that we are to love everyone. The bible is also clear that there are actions that God does not sanction. One is sexual relations between those of the same sex. This ruling is not about loving whomever you choose. It is about the state condoning an action not condoned by God. It is just the opposite of the real civil rights movement.


So, in my dream, I was not able to finish discussing the current state of our nation. I am left to wonder how the dream would have ended if I had remained asleep. Dreams while asleep are often foggy things anyway. The dream that Martin Luther King had was a different sort of dream, and I am vary glad it is being realized more and more in this great land. There are dreams and aspirations of some groups, however, that I feel do not bode well for the state of our nation.

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