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It seems Americans are losing two precious traits as a people.  We are losing the ability to LISTEN to one another…and we are losing the ability to ENDURE.  Most of us, no matter where we are from, have in our lineage ancestors of whom we are proud because of what they endured and overcame.  A man or woman who persevered through a tough time and not only survived, but came out better for it.  We admire them.  It is an honor to have them on our family tree!  We learn by listening to their stories and are inspired to do hard things ourselves.

So where is that toughness today?   There are a lot of voices promising us easy roads ahead.  Only a few are warning of clouds and rain.  We are a country divided, and yet it doesn’t seem to bother us.   We aren’t interested in hearing why someone who disagrees with us believes the way they do.  We won’t endure hearing them out.  We would rather have our ears scratched by listening to those who see things from our point of view.  I believe in truth, and am not saying that there aren’t some ways that are right and others that are wrong.  I am just saying, that as a people, I don’t think we are seeking truth anymore.  We refuse to endure sound teaching.  We accumulate for ourselves teachers who suit our own passions.  We would rather believe a myth that suits us than endure learning a truth that doesn’t.  We want the easy way.

The end of this can’t be good.  We will pay if we don’t reclaim the ability to listen to others and really care.  We will pay if we are not willing to suffer now in order to reach a future worthwhile goal.  We cannot continue the current path without incurring a heavy price.  We need to listen….REALLY LISTEN…to what we are being told.  Then evaluate.  Does what we hear match with what we already know to be true?  Are some orators promising undeliverable goods?  They can promise.  And we can choose to blindly believe.  But that does not mean the promises will come true.
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