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We are born…fearfully and wonderfully made….
We are given a body …one body…in which to live while we are on this earth   
There is much to enjoy, but everything is more enjoyable in a healthy body.
Colors are most glorious without cataracts 
Food is more enjoyable with healthy GI function 
Listening is best without too much earwax
Running and climbing is better without joint pain.
So, as we start a new year, I plan to explore  ways to keep the human body at it’s best.  Mine is showing some wear and tear, and I want to find ways to reverse, or at least slow down, the process of loss
Nutrition seems a good starting place.
What are the best fuels for the human body?  What foods promote health and longevity?  Which are harmful?  There is a lot of conflicting information.  Endless research is being conducted. Some studies are good, but some are done in hopes of promoting specific classes of food, so bias and confusion abound.  It is helpful to know some simple guidelines that apply to most everyone….at least to start with.  So that is where I’ll start!  And may 2020 be a year of increasing good health!
This principle used to be less important simply because in past centuries there were not so many artificial or altered foods available.  Heavily processed food is a modern phenomenon.  In general, the less processed a food is and the closer it is to its natural state, the more health benefits it can give.
For example, an apple is healthier than apple juice simply because it is less processed and still retains its fiber which allows the apple’s sugar to be absorbed more slowly, avoiding harmful rises in blood sugar.
A raw potato has benefits lost in cooking.  But, of course a baked potato is superior to a potato chip or French fry.  A raw carrot is superior to a cooked carrot which is superior to a candied carrot….you get the drift!
So raw and natural foods are great, and one goal should be to make them a larger percentage of one’s diet.  That is a good place to start!  Changing to a healthier diet is a process. It needs to be a cultural revolution, but you have to start somewhere.   Soon, we’ll look at another way to improve health.  Until the next blog……healthy eating!
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